“Into the land of Carmel I have brought you to enjoy its fruits and its blessings”
Jeremiah 2:7
The Carmelite Spirituality Network (CSN) connects Carmelites and associates with resources and opportunities for the support and renewal
of the spiritual life — through education, spiritual formation and training, spiritual direction for individuals and groups, and retreat programs and events.
Current Talks

Practicing the Prayer of presence: A Retreat with Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection
Join us for the Carmelite Spirituality Network online Talk – Practicing the Prayer of presence: A Retreat with Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection.
This day is devoted to unfolding the prayer of Presence, as taught by Brother Lawrence, a 17th-century Carmelite friar.
Join the Carmelite Spirituality Network
Join Us
Joining CSN offers you the opportunity to connect to an active community of learners, scholars, and practitioners in Carmelite spirituality. For 800 years, Carmelite spirituality has served the spiritual growth and nourishment of countless numbers of people. CSN members are part of a vital network that provides access to the practice of spirituality in the Carmelite tradition especially in the field of spiritual direction and retreat ministry.
When you attend CSN’s events and workshops, you can expand your network, participate in soul-nurturing sessions, and hone your skills in enriching ministry workshops. Membership provides access to a host of professional development opportunities and resources.
In the footsteps of our saintly forbears in Carmel and living a life of allegiance to Jesus Christ (cf. 2 Cor 10:5), members of the CSN adhere to the Carmelite Community of Spiritual Practitioners (CCSP) Covenant and
- strive to deepen their intimacy with God who dwells within (cf. John 14:3) through commitment to a lifestyle nurtured by prayer, the word of God and the sacred mysteries.
- work to promote the dignity and worth of all human beings as beloved of God who in their deepest reality are of magnificent beauty and marvellous capacity.
- in serving people considers their wellbeing and flourishing as priority; and will respect their views and differences; maintaining a professional relationship with them and, supporting them to avail of their own inner resources or to find assistance from others in the appropriate area of competence required.
- recognise that soul-work is to walk on holy ground and so the attendant need to continually grow in ministerial competence and theologically informed best practice, commit to ongoing resourcing of their practice through study programmes and retreat days.
- value the support of spiritual companionship found in a pilgrim and learning community as the CSN whose integrity is founded in keeping their covenant commitments to one another and providing opportunities for accountable ministry practice through peer supervision and honouring the Teresian ideal that, “In this house, all must be friends, all must be loved, all must be held dear, all must be helped.”
Please check back here for links to our latest podcasts
Please check back here for links to our latest V/Blogs.
Upcoming Events
Please check back here for news of our upcoming events and meetings.
Student Membership
Currently enrolled students in CACS formation and training programmes receive the benefits of full membership.
Fees: Complimentary, expires upon graduation
Please email ruth.preston@carmelite.org.uk for access.
Full Membership
Join as a full member if you are a trained Carmelite spiritual director, retreat director or facilitator and interested in participating fully in the community. This includes attending and presenting talks at events, full access to resources and participating in the leadership of the community.
Annual Fees: £95
- Inscription in online member directory and access to the directory which provides a platform for spiritual directors and retreat facilitators in the Carmelite tradition to be discovered locally and internationally (members may also choose not to be listed in this directory)
- Connecting with others in an active and supportive network
- Sharing learning and developing best practice
- Access to support, training, formation and enrichment for ministry and spiritual growth
- CSN bi-monthly formation newsletter
- Information on requests for spiritual accompaniment and retreats for individuals and groups
- Opportunities for peer supervision groups and retreat days
- Member Discounts for conferences and events hosted by CACS
- Members support CACS courses as resource persons
- Members pay an annual membership fee
- Members play a key role in promoting Carmelite spirituality
- Members can support in fundraising for CACS
Step 1 – complete the Application form below (currently closed).
Step 2 – submit completed form and make payment of £95 using the online payment section below.
To access the members area after you have subscribed, login here :-