CACS Companions
Supporting the work of the Centre for Applied Carmelite Spirituality (CACS) in its mission of helping people to develop intimacy with God and flourish in their spiritual life
The Centre for applied Carmelite Spirituality (CACS)
The Centre for Applied Carmelite Spirituality is based at the Carmelite Priory, also known as Chilswell House at Boars Hill in England. It is a beacon of Carmelite spirituality, carefully applied to the needs of everyday life. Its mission is focussed on in-depth ongoing spiritual formation and renewal.
Through our programmes, the peaceful and green spaces of our beautiful landscape, together with the welcome and friendship of our team of friars and lay people, the Centre continues to foster a deep experience of God, of healing and of wholeness.

Welcome to Your Spiritual Home
Why not become part of our worldwide family of those who identify CACS as a spiritual home, a monastery without walls and a place for incubating holiness. Together we can continue to faithfully carry out the work that God has entrusted to us – the important work of in-depth ongoing spiritual formation and renewal accessible to everyone, everywhere. Be part of our future and share our mission by joining CACS Companions.
CACS Companions will:
•• Enable you be part of a flourishing spiritual community
• Enable you to support the vision and mission of the CACS
• Enable you have access to a resource of wisdom and advocacy•. • Enable you participate in a powerful new mission of raising up a new generation of reliable spiritual guides who can support others in the journey of life-transforming friendship with God
Allow yourself to be surprised someday by this reply like that of Matthew 25:37-40:
“My beloved, when you supported this mission, you helped in forming those whose ministry enabled countless number of people grow in intimacy with me and flourish in their spiritual lives. My friend, Benedict XIV was right when he said that “A spiritual director who intimately knows and loves Christ can help the directee to achieve that same love and intimacy.”’
Choose your CACS Companion’s package
£10/ month
Basic CACS Companion Package
- Share in the Mass offered monthly for the intentions of Companions
- Receive a dedicated e-newsletter so you can be informed of the impact you are making on many lives, learn of all our new projects and the
happenings in the Carmelite family, as well as updates on what other companions have shared about their experiences on the spiritual journey. - Receive a special invitation to a CACS Companions’ Weekend. These special hybrid events are in spring and autumn of each year. Companions will have the opportunity to stay at the Priory and enjoy its peace and beauty, socialise with the Priory community and team, as well as with other companions over meals and drinks. This will be a time for spiritual growth as there’ll be talks or workshops and, of course, time for silent prayer and reflection.
£29.99/ month
All in the Silver Package plus
- Have access to many of the digital resources in CACSDigital, our online platform with hundreds of digital resources – videos, audio, eBooks, and many more resources
- Receive a token gift from the Priory from time to time in appreciation
for your companionship - Free subscription to Mount Carmel magazine (4 issues per year)
£499/ year
Christianity’s greatest achievements according to Pope Saint John Paul II were not the cathedrals, monasteries or universities of the past, but the as-yet-to-be-created projects by which evangelization of Christ’s Gospel would continue to turn human history to the destiny made possible by the Paschal Mystery. CACS strives to be a seed for one of these future-changing initiatives. We invite you to become a founding member of this exciting new initiative in the Church’s history.
All in the Silver & Gold Packages plus
- Discounted ticket prices up to 50% to our Conferences and Summits for you and a Companion
- All access to the CACS-Digital media library with hundreds of digital resources – videos, eBooks, self-study courses, podcasts, and much more – for in-depth ongoing spiritual formation
- Free access to the Centre’s Advent and Lenten online retreats each year
- All access to webinars (Spiritual Enrichment Lecture Series) featuring Carmelites and guest speakers on topical issues in the spiritual life
- Free accommodation in the Priory for one Companions’ Weekend
Impact of CACS Companions
As a Companion you increase the friendship circle of the CACS, share your time, talent, and treasure, and help the Centre to generate important extra income that will enable us to secure our future and extend our work.
Your support matters:

Support the spiritual lives of many through our various initiatives.

Help to maintain and improve our Priory buildings, facilities, and grounds.

Provide bursaries and scholarships for young people and those who are unable to afford the full cost of programmes.

Inspire the younger generations to experience a deepen intimacy with God.

Empower people on the spiritual journey through support for the formation of spiritual guides and the production of resources that will offer them the tools for interpreting their experience.

Promote and share with all the gift of prayer and the call of the interior life.