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Mary’s Carmel: Witnesses from the Tradition
Vigil Lecture Series
Join us in a series of online vigil lectures in honour of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

May 15th
On St Simon Stock and Our Lady of Mount Carmel
by Fr Matt Blake, OCD
Fr Matt Blake, OCD is a Discalced Carmelite priest, and a renowned speaker and authority on Carmelite spirituality. He is currently the sub-prior of the Carmelite community at Kensington where a relic attributed to St Simon Stock is reposed. In this vigil lecture, Fr Matt will present a portrait of this Carmelite figure in relation to Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

July 19th
On Elijah’s flight to Mount Horeb
by Fr Craig Morrison, O. Carm
Craig E. Morrison, O.Carm., teaches Aramaic and biblical exegesis at the Pontifical Biblical Institute, as well as Dean of Oriental Languages at the Pontifical University in Rome. His interests include an appreciation of the art of Hebrew narrative and Lectio Divina. He has written for The Bible Today, Word Among Us, The Catholic Biblical Quarterly and other scholarly journals. In this lecture, he will be focusing on Elijah’s flight to Horeb and explore the relevant Carmelite lessons encapsulated in that Biblical episode.

September 30th
St Therese of Lisieux – Her final September
by Fr Liam Finnerty. OCD
Fr Liam is a member of the Carmelite Priory at Boars Hill, Oxford. He is also part of the Centre for Applied Carmelite Spirituality (CACS) team and assists in facilitating the Spiritual Direction Course. In this lecture he will reflect on the last conversations of Therese and leading into her death.

December 13th
On St John of the Cross
by Friar Pat Mullins, O. Carm.
Patrick Mullins, O. Carm., has doctorates in Systematic Theology and Spirituality and has been Director of Studies in the Carmelite Institute of Britain and Ireland (CIBI) since its foundation. As a Carmelite friar renowned for his in-depth familiarity with Carmelite history, in this lecture, he will discuss with us his insights on the Carmelite mystical doctor, namely St John of the Cross.
Location: Zoom
Time : 7:30pm (UK London Time)
Cost: FREE (Donations welcomed)
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