The Carmelite Contemplative Circles are open to anyone interested in drinking from the wellsprings of Carmel’s 800-year-old tradition of spiritualities to satisfy the burning thirst for intimacy with God. The circle provides support for the spiritual journey and is a source of enrichment for spiritual growth. Our shared prayer will help to open you up to God’s tender and nurturing love present and active in our lives.
Our circles provide the opportunity for sharing and journeying together with others who value a deeper life of prayer and friendship with Christ. Helping and supporting one another in friendship, in turn, help us to become friends with the Lord as He accompanies us on our journey. Saint Teresa wanted her communities to be like a little college of Apostles and so our circles are usually small in size Each of our Circles could be up to 12 members and the host.

Drink from the wellsprings of Christian wisdom

Journey alongside others

Nurture your contemplative side
Guided by the Saints

(1894 – 1967)
“This Spirit is our Guest, a living flame in us, a light. He is our friend. He is truly in us, He sanctifies us and divinizes us constantly.”

John of the Cross
(1542 -1591)
“The endurance of darkness is the preparation for great light

Teresa of Avila
(1515 – 1582)
“Prayer is an intimate
sharing between friends.”

Therese of Lisieux
(1873 – 1897)
“Remember that nothing is small in the eyes of God. Do all that you do with love.”
Circle Meetings – Our circle meetings involve spiritual reading, shared silent prayer, and shared friendship

Shared Wisdom
We draw insights from a shared reading of selected text on spiritual themes like prayer, silence, solitude, the spiritual journey, seeking and finding God, etc.

Shared Prayer
We find peace in shared prayer for each other. We pray together in shared silence and through guided reflections.

Shared Friendship
We bond in friendship as fellow pilgrims and lovers of God. Our sharing of life’s joys and difficulties is healing to the soul. We share Saint Teresa’s vision and strive to be a space where “all must be friends, all must be loved, all must be held dear, all must be Circle Meetings helped.” (WoP, 4:6)
Belonging to the Circle is FREE
Download the brochure here:
Contact Us
Email: contemplative-circle@carmelite.org.uk
Website: www.carmelite.uk.net/whats-on
Online & In-person