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“Ours were the sufferings he bore” (Isaiah 53:4)
Lenten Weekend Retreat 8th – 10th April

We invite you to join us on our residential weekend retreat with Fr Liam Finnerty OCD.

This weekend retreat will be a time to journey with the Prophet Isaiah in preparation for Holy Week.

The retreat is available as an online retreat,in person day attendance retreat or residential weekend retreat. This talk will be made available for later viewing to all those who register.

Residential Retreat:

Arrival: Friday 8th April from 4pm (UK)

Departure: Sunday 10th April at 2pm after lunch (UK)

Meet our Speaker

Fr Liam Finnerty, OCD

 Fr Liam Finnerty, OCD is a Carmelite priest and holds degrees in Theology and Social Work from Milltown Institute, Dublin and Glasgow University, respectively. Fr Liam has many years of experience in the retreat ministry and mentoring.

Please feel free to download a copy of our poster for this retreat:

Registration Details

You can choose to either attend as an online participant or in person (day attendance) or as a residential retreatant. If you opt for residential, please complete the attached form.

Residential Weekend Retreat


In Person Only


Online Only


Other Retreats over Lent and Easter