Who we are

Sacred Encounter ministers are part of a global community whose ministry for Christ and his Church through the Centre for Applied Carmelite Spirituality (CACS) involves facilitating a sacred encounter for those amongst whom we minister. Some of us are spiritual directors in one-to-one or group direction, hosts for the Carmelite Contemplative Circle, facilitators for individual or group retreats, accompaniers on the Spiritual Direction Formation Programme, and reflective supervisors for spiritual directors.

Our Mission

To provide a safe and sacred space where people can encounter the God who is love.

• To support spiritual formation and renewal drawing on the venerable Carmelite tradition.

• To offer a contemplative approach to soul care ministries.

• To assist people to discover the inviolable sacredness of their core identity as ‘beloved of God.’

Our Aim

We aim to help people deepen their experience of the mystery of God and of themselves in a safe and sacred space; an experience that is always a sacred encounter.

Our Covenant

In the footsteps of our saintly forbears in Carmel and living a life of allegiance to Jesus Christ (cf. 2 Cor 10:5), we the members of the Community of Sacred Encounter Ministers adhere to this Covenant: 

Intimacy with God 

We strive to deepen our intimacy with God who dwells within (cf. John 14:3) through commitment to a lifestyle nurtured by prayer, the word of God and the sacred mysteries. 

• Human Flourishing 

We serve people considering their wellbeing and flourishing as priority; and we respect their views and differences; maintaining a professional relationship with them and, supporting them to avail of their own inner resources or to find assistance from others in the appropriate area of competence required. 

• Dignity of Persons 

We work to promote the dignity and worth of all human beings as beloved of God who in their deepest reality are of magnificent beauty and marvellous capacity. 

• Ministerial Competence 

We recognise that soul-work is to walk on holy ground and so the attendant need to continually grow in ministerial competence and theologically informed best practice, commit to ongoing resourcing of our practice through study programmes and retreat days. 

Spiritual Charism 

We acknowledge the ministry of spiritual direction as a spiritual charism freely given and so we exercise this sacred ministry in freedom and for free according to the divine directive: “Freely you have received; freely give” (Mt 10:8); receiving with gratitude whatever may be given in appreciation (Mt 10:10; Lk 10:7). All who are thirsty have been invited to come to the waters; and “you who have no money, come, buy, and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.” (Isa 55:1) 

• Accountability 

We value the support of spiritual companionship found in our pilgrim and learning community whose integrity is founded in keeping our covenant commitments to one another; and providing opportunities for accountable ministry practice through peer supervision. 

• Spiritual Friendship 

We honour the Teresian ideal that, “In this house, all must be friends, all must be loved, all must be held dear, all must be helped.”

Our Spiritual Directors

Fr Alexander Ezechukwu

Fr Alex is a Discalced Carmelite priest and the director of CACS. Biblical scholar and historian by training. Spiritual Direction certification through …

… Franciscan Study Centre, Kent, England. Trained as a reflective pastoral supervisor for individuals and groups.



Fr Kelvin Ekhoegbe

Fr Kelvin is a Discalced Carmelite priest and a formator on the CACS Spiritual Direction Formation Programme. Accredited member of the Association of Pastoral …

… Supervisors and Educators (APSE). Fr Kelvin offers group and individual spiritual direction and supervision.



Fr Yamai Bature

Fr Yamai is a Discalced Carmelite priest and trained in pastoral supervision. He has extensive experience in spiritual direction, supervision and individual retreat guidance.



Candida Kirkpatrick
(Phoenix, Arizona)

I have been married for 30 years with two adult children. I have been a member of OCDS for over 20 years. I love to hike, travel and learn about other cultures, …

… read, write, drink coffee, and dance. I follow the way of beauty and merciful love found in Carmel, and seek to abide in this with receptivity and expand in this space amidst my littleness, so that I can share it with others through spiritual direction, retreats, talks and writing.

Jane-Marie Rief
(Minnesota, USA)

I am a retired software engineer and agile software coach.  I have a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and a Master’s in Business, a Project Management Professional and Agile …

… Coach certifications.  I am a wife, a mother of 4 and a grandmother of 11.  I belong to the Catholic Church of St Patrick’s in Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota of the Archdiocese of St Paul and Minneapolis.  I enjoy caring for my home, traveling, bike riding, reading, time with my family and friends, and I dabble in writing.  My blog is at www.advicefrommymom.net.  I graduated with a diploma in spiritual direction from the Spiritual Direction Formation Programme in the Carmelite tradition in October 2023 offered by the Centre for Applied Carmelite Spirituality.  I am a Third Order Franciscan OFS and a Cursillista.   I love our Lord and spending time with Him in  contemplative prayer and have been under the direction of a Third Order Carmelite spiritual director for many years.  I offer spiritual direction in the Carmelite tradition with the Holy Spirit as your spiritual director and me as His servant.  Peace and All Good to you. 

Fr Luke Dominic Onwe

I am Discalced Carmelite Friar and a priest with many years of experience in spiritual and retreat directions as well as spiritual accompaniment. I offer a safe space for …

… spiritual encounters, exploring the direction which the Holy Spirit may be leading each individual to a divine union. I welcome seekers and spiritual travellers from the Christian religion who are willing to discern God’s direction for them on this journey. I hold Licentiate in Sacred Theology, a Master’s degree in Carmelite Studies and have been trained in the Spiritual Direction Formation Programme at Centre for Applied Carmelite Studies, Boars Hill, Oxford. I have experience working as a Rector and Director of Students (formator) in Carmelite House of Studies and also have been a retreat director for over 18 years.

Lynn Miyake
(New Mexico, USA)

Lynn specializes in Carmelite Spirituality, Christian meditation, contemplation, and inner sanctification. She serves as a spiritual director for individuals and groups….

Lynn is a definitively professed member of the Discalced Carmelite Secular Order (OCDS). In community, she has served as president, council member, formator, and newsletter editor.  In addition, she has served on the OCDS Provincial Council for the CA-AZ Province of St. Joseph.

Breda Cuniffe

Becoming a member of the Carmelite secular order 25 years ago has been the path that has opened up a whole new relationship with God. Knowing that it would …

… be good to have a guide on the journey, a spiritual director agreed to take me on and since then that relationship has become one of deep trust where learning to be open and honest has led to the kind of inner freedom that still takes me by surprise. Being accompanied by an experienced and compassionate spiritual director became and continues to be a source of sustenance, humour and ongoing discovery. Studying with the Carmelites at Boars Hill, having completed their Diploma course in Spiritual Direction in Oxford in 2020, I can offer you a space that’s yours to question, explore and ponder where, who and how God is at work in your life. This can and does lead to experiencing more deeply the very personal relationship which draws you closer to God and draws Him closer to you. Irish by birth, living outside Glasgow for close on 40 years, I’ve been a counsellor for 20 years. Having lived in Scotland for 40 years, now in Kirkintilloch just outside Glasgow, as a Mum and now Nana to two little grandchildren, and learning all the time the many and varied ways God speaks to us in the day to day. Familiar with the times when nothing seems to be happening and when prayer can be a struggle, is part of the journey and having another to sound things out can be a blessing.

Karen Shurety
(Haverhill, Suffolk)

I am a lay missionary and Spiritual Director in the, Roman Catholic Tradition. I trained as a spiritual director on the 2 year course run by CACS. I have a bachelor of …

… theology for
ministry from Cambridge University. I have experience of both the charismatic and contemplative traditions of spirituality. My desire and passion is to enable those I journey with to become who God calls them to be, and to explore their relationship with God. Later this year I hope to start training and formation in the ministry of Supervision. My vocation and working life has been very much rooted in the ‘pastoral care’ of others; I find this life-giving. More recently I have been drawn to a better understanding of the place of ‘Neurodiversity’ in our spiritual lives. I was diagnosed with Dyslexia in my mid-40s, and this has deepened my self-knowledge. I see spiritual accompaniment as two friends walking each other home, guided by the Holy Spirit.

Martha Hanley
(Cedar Rapids, Iowa)

I am a 2023 graduate of the CACS Spiritual Direction Formation Programme and a Secular Carmelite. My interests include the impact of disability, particularly …

… mental illness, on individuals and families.

Marian Long
(Leigh-on-Sea, Essex)

For several years I worked in the UK as a lay missionary in evangelisation and am now parish based. My spirituality has been formed within the …

… Roman Catholic tradition and I participate in both the contemplative and charismatic traditions. My spiritual direction formation started with a two-year course in the Carmelite tradition run by CACS.

Spiritual accompaniment, for me, is a journey that directee and director take together in search of God in the everyday events of life. Our self-knowledge deepens whilst discovering that God has always been waiting for us to desire and search for a closer relationship with Him. The Holy Spirit is always encouraging us to draw closer and be more open to God’s love.



Michael Woodward
(Abergavenny, Wales)

Michael Woodward has a love of both Carmelite and Benedictine spirituality. He was elected first leader of the Lay Community of Saint Benedict in 2003. He is …

… an experienced Spiritual director having been formed at the Centre for Carmelite Spirituality in Oxford, following earlier participation in an Ecumenical Ignatian accompaniment team in South Wales. Michael brings extensive experience in leading retreats and pilgrimages. During spiritual direction I offer a safe space to explore your spiritual journey towards a deeper relationship with God. We will take time to explore what God is doing in your life, and seek to listen and respond with grace and compassion to the guidance of the Holy Spirit during the session.
I graduated from the SDTP with CACS in 2022 and now offer Carmelite spiritual direction online via Zoom. I am happy to work with all people of faith, including those who are tentatively questioning or exploring their spirituality.
I am a Secular Carmelite and member of the mid-Wales OCDS group. I am married with two grown-up sons, and have lived in a small village in rural mid-Wales for 24 years. I am also a qualified social worker and work part-time for the Local Authority.

Sue Watson

During spiritual direction I offer a safe space to explore your spiritual journey towards a deeper relationship with God. We will take time to explore what God is doing …

… your life, and seek to listen and respond with grace and compassion to the guidance of the Holy Spirit during the session. I graduated from the SDTP with CACS in 2022 and now offer Carmelite spiritual direction online via Zoom. I am happy to work with all people of faith, including those who are tentatively questioning or exploring their spirituality.
I am a Secular Carmelite and member of the mid-Wales OCDS group. I am married with two grown-up sons, and have lived in a small village in rural mid-Wales for 24 years. I am also a qualified social worker and work part-time for the Local Authority.

Rosaleen Cowie

I have a background professionally as a supervisor for many years but trained in supervision for spiritual direction in 2019.

Ben O’Neill

I am dedicated to guiding individuals on their spiritual journey through the ancient practice of Contemplative Spiritual Accompaniment. I offer a space where we can …

… together delve into the depths of your being, nurturing an authentic connection with Spirit. Drawing from both ancient wisdom and modern insights, I facilitate a process of deep inner exploration, inviting you to “take a long, loving look at the real.” As a trained spiritual director and Internal Family System (IFS) therapist, I accompany you on this journey with compassion and reverence, supporting you in a safe sacred space of exploration and discovery, I honour the uniqueness of your path and the diversity of spiritual backgrounds. Whether you resonate with established traditions, other faith traditions, or creative worldviews, I am here to walk alongside you, offering guidance and support. My journey of learning and growth includes a Diploma in Contemplative Spiritual Accompaniment from the Carmelites in Oxford. I trained at the Centre for Action and Contemplation’s Living School, as well as a Masters in Applied Spirituality. Together. Let us embark on a pilgrimage of the soul, where we honor the sacredness of each moment and each breath, allowing your true self to unfold and thrive in the embrace of divine love.

Ellen Sarewitz

I live in a small village above the river Wye where I moved from Cambridge 6 years ago. From a rational, scientific anti-religion background I gradually found – it was …

… found by – God through music, history, grace and John of the Cross. I spent several years in a contemplative Benedictine monastery: the need for contemplative prayer has never left me and for years I struggled to assuage the hunger for the desert and the call of the inner space. The result was a long dark night but one fortunately punctuated with glimmers of light. Once freed from the toils of wage slavery I was able to embrace more music and prayer. did the first spiritual direction training programme with the Carmelites and now am a joyous alumna of CACS. I now spend my time singing early music, lead a Lectio Divina group at Belmont Abbey, with others am exploring a new form of coenobium. I have a small but growing group of directees and am an associate of the Cistercian monastery at Whitland.



Thelma Rogers

As a Roman Catholic lay woman, NHS Chaplain and Spiritual Director I have found that any ministry and way of life which invites the healing of the Peace of Christ is

… centred in and through prayer. It enables the discovery of ourselves in Christ and is our greatest and highest vocation bringing us to spiritual maturity as fully human. It is the way to finding our calling in Christ and the foundation of spiritual direction as I experience it. In the Carmelite tradition for me there has been a profound deepening of my spirituality and calling to a life of peace and service to others. To walk with others in the light of faith is my way of living the Gospel life and the deepest joy and privilege. I have also spent some time with Richard Rohr and his Living School and have developed a contemplative prayer life which has extended to facilitating in many Christian communities. I hold an MA in Pastoral Care and Chaplaincy from the Cambridge Theological Federation a ecumenical learning experience where I was formed alongside Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant clerics and lay people. I have a very diverse and beautiful family for which I am eternally grateful. As a member of the Secular Franciscan Order I have served in several ministries which has been a privilege and a blessing.

Martin Faingnart
(Bruges, Belgium)

I am Fr. Martin prior and novice master in Carmel community of Bruges. I was ordained priest in 2015. Followed a 2-year programme of spirituality in Toulouse (France). …

… Then followed a 2 year programme in SD at CACS Oxford from 2020-2022. In 2023 I was asked to be novicemaster.

Heather Ward

Member of the Secular Order of the Discalced Carmelites and a formator on the CACS Spiritual Direction Formation Programme. Accredited member …

of the Association of Pastoral Supervisors and Educators (APSE). Heather brings many years of experience in social work and counselling, education and pastoral ministry, as well as advanced studies in literature, theology, catechesis and spirituality to the practice of spiritual direction.

Maria Micheletti

I am a member of the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites with a Diploma in Spiritual Direction in the Carmelite tradition from CACS….

… Leading me to that was my previous work as a volunteer counsellor in various settings and as a member of the BACP until I retired. From such experience I became aware that, like C. Jung said, the spiritual dimension is an essential aspect of psychological well-being.

I love contemplative prayer as a unique way to enter in close intimacy with God.

I offer Spiritual Direction and Accompaniment in the Carmelite tradition with the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Truth, in Jesus’s words (John 14:16-17) “ I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you”

In accompaniment and Spiritual Direction we will share our journey together from our lives of tasks, duties, and of seeking meanings and direction from God. We will open together to the Holy Spirit becoming aware of His Presence in our lives right now, as it was before even if we might not have been aware of it yet and as it will be “ until , like St Therese said, “ I am able tell you of my Love in an Eternal Face to Face!”

I embrace with joy such a journey together.

Anastasia Selby

I I have experience of assisting individuals having worked in the Probation and Prison Service. I returned to the catholic faith after being away from it for a …

… number of years and the Carmelite tradition has enhanced my understanding and faith.



Kate Keefe

I experience life as one of movement, hence the photo of myself in a car. Central to that movement is my growing relationship in intimacy with God which …

… Carmelite Spirituality and belonging to the Carmelite religious and lay community of CACS and my local parish continues to be nurturing and life giving.  My CACS training as a spiritual director was inspiring and enriching. This was followed some years later by a contrasting, robust and wonderful  training as a supervisor by the Jesuits.

I work in supervision and project management in Spiritual Communities, my work now focuses mainly on supervising those undertaking spiritual direction, leadership roles, or project management.

Previous to this I have worked extensively in different voluntary ministries in the church and have held paid professional senior educational roles in a university, the Catholic Education Service, and other sectors in education in the Uk.

 I enjoy working as a supervisor with:

 . those recently qualified as spiritual directors

 . or with Spiritual directors or pastoral or parish leaders who are leading innovation and transition in a systemic sense in their parish or religious community

 .  those spiritually directing directees with mental health issues or identifying as having ongoing trauma.

 I am married with an adult son who joined our family at five years, I have learnt much about what it is to be human and overcome adversity from my son, from being married for many years, and from the many teams I have been a member of.  I am inspired by St. Teresa of Avila’s a leader and by her deep understanding of so much about  the human journey on earth and the path to heaven.  I am also inspired by the spirituality of John of the Cross and St. Therese of Lisieux. They both enabled me to see suffering and non attachment in new ways. Having always lived in global cities I am committed to inter-faith dialogue and to working for the common good in society.

Simon Cocksedge

Formerly a physician, I am now working as a parish priest in the Church of England. Married with three children, I have been offering Spiritual Accompaniment …

… since 2009.

Vivien Foster

Vivien is a Carmelite Secular with a particular love for the spirituality of St John of the Cross. She completed CACS Spiritual Direction Formation Programme …

… in 2022 and has continued to accompany subsequent students and provide group facilitation. She works professionally as an academic and has significant experience mentoring young professionals. Vivien is married with a teenage son. Thanks to her family background, she also speaks fluent Spanish. She has lived on both sides of the Atlantic, now being based in Oxford UK in the GMT time zone.

Fr. Liam Finnerty

Discalced Carmelite priest and a formator on the CACS Spiritual Direction Formation Programme. Fr Liam brings many years of experience in pastoral and retreat ministry …

… to the practice of spiritual direction and supervision.

Have you chosen your Spiritual Director, or have any questions?

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