Who we are
Sacred Encounter ministers are part of a global community whose ministry for Christ and his Church through the Centre for Applied Carmelite Spirituality (CACS) involves facilitating a sacred encounter for those amongst whom we minister. Some of us are spiritual directors in one-to-one or group direction, hosts for the Carmelite Contemplative Circle, facilitators for individual or group retreats, accompaniers on the Spiritual Direction Formation Programme, and reflective supervisors for spiritual directors.
Our Mission
To provide a safe and sacred space where people can encounter the God who is love.
• To support spiritual formation and renewal drawing on the venerable Carmelite tradition.
• To offer a contemplative approach to soul care ministries.
• To assist people to discover the inviolable sacredness of their core identity as ‘beloved of God.’
Our Aim
We aim to help people deepen their experience of the mystery of God and of themselves in a safe and sacred space; an experience that is always a sacred encounter.
Our Covenant
In the footsteps of our saintly forbears in Carmel and living a life of allegiance to Jesus Christ (cf. 2 Cor 10:5), we the members of the Community of Sacred Encounter Ministers adhere to this Covenant:
• Intimacy with God
We strive to deepen our intimacy with God who dwells within (cf. John 14:3) through commitment to a lifestyle nurtured by prayer, the word of God and the sacred mysteries.
• Human Flourishing
We serve people considering their wellbeing and flourishing as priority; and we respect their views and differences; maintaining a professional relationship with them and, supporting them to avail of their own inner resources or to find assistance from others in the appropriate area of competence required.
• Dignity of Persons
We work to promote the dignity and worth of all human beings as beloved of God who in their deepest reality are of magnificent beauty and marvellous capacity.
• Ministerial Competence
We recognise that soul-work is to walk on holy ground and so the attendant need to continually grow in ministerial competence and theologically informed best practice, commit to ongoing resourcing of our practice through study programmes and retreat days.
• Spiritual Charism
We acknowledge the ministry of spiritual direction as a spiritual charism freely given and so we exercise this sacred ministry in freedom and for free according to the divine directive: “Freely you have received; freely give” (Mt 10:8); receiving with gratitude whatever may be given in appreciation (Mt 10:10; Lk 10:7). All who are thirsty have been invited to come to the waters; and “you who have no money, come, buy, and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.” (Isa 55:1)
• Accountability
We value the support of spiritual companionship found in our pilgrim and learning community whose integrity is founded in keeping our covenant commitments to one another; and providing opportunities for accountable ministry practice through peer supervision.
• Spiritual Friendship
We honour the Teresian ideal that, “In this house, all must be friends, all must be loved, all must be held dear, all must be helped.”
Our Spiritual Directors

Fr Alexander Ezechukwu

Fr Kelvin Ekhoegbe

Fr Yamai Bature

Candida Kirkpatrick
(Phoenix, Arizona)

Jane-Marie Rief
(Minnesota, USA)

Fr Luke Dominic Onwe

Lynn Miyake
(New Mexico, USA)

Breda Cuniffe

Karen Shurety
(Haverhill, Suffolk)

Martha Hanley
(Cedar Rapids, Iowa)

Marian Long
(Leigh-on-Sea, Essex)

Michael Woodward
(Abergavenny, Wales)

Sue Watson

Rosaleen Cowie

Ben O’Neill

Ellen Sarewitz

Thelma Rogers

Martin Faingnart
(Bruges, Belgium)

Heather Ward

Maria Micheletti

Anastasia Selby

Kate Keefe

Simon Cocksedge

Vivien Foster

Fr. Liam Finnerty
Have you chosen your Spiritual Director, or have any questions?
Contact our Spiritual Direction administrator to connect with one of the Spiritual Directors, or ask any questions on Spiritual Direction by completing the below form.
Our administrator aims to get back to you within 2-3 working days.