Home >> Online Talks & Retreats >> Spiritual Enrichment Lecture Series
Transformed by Prayer
22nd January 2022
2:45pm-4:25pm (UK Time) via Zoom
Psalm 51:10
“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”
This presentation will consider the purpose of prayer asking the important question: why pray? The spiritual disciplines and Carmelite values – silence, solitude, regularity, intentionality, availability – which support and nurture a life of prayer will be highlighted. It will also underscore how prayer as not so much as doing but as being – presence and availability to the divine transforming Presence – enables transformation as such regular availability leaves us vulnerable to God’s recreating and renewing action (see Psalm 51:10). For in the presence of the living God we cannot remain as we came but are transformed in ever-increasing glory (see 2 Corinthians 3:18).
2:45pm – Zoom opens
3:00pm – 3:05pm Welcome, Introduction and Opening Prayer
3:05pm – 3:40pm Session One
3:40pm – 3:50pm Break
3:50pm – 4:25pm Session Two
4:25pm – Concluding prayers
We hope to see you there!
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