Friendship in Spiritual Direction-NON MEMBERS




Join us for the Carmelite Spirituality Network online Talk on Friendship in Spiritual Direction

St. Teresa of Avila reminds us that “prayer is nothing else than being on terms of friendship with God.” But can interpersonal friendship also play a role in spiritual direction?

This enriching talk explores the intersection of friendship and Christian spiritual direction. Drawing on contemporary and historical prayer styles from differing charisms within the world of Christian Spiritual Direction, we’ll delve into how authentic friendships—rooted in prayer and virtue—can both challenge and enrich the practice of spiritual direction. From Teresa of Avila’s call for friendships that foster communal love to John of the Cross’s reflections on how relationships draw us closer to God, this session offers profound insights into how friendship shapes our journey toward union with the divine.

Participants will explore how spiritual directors can balance friendship’s benefits with the risks of attachment, using examples from Christian spirituality and practical applications. Through reflection and discussion, you’ll discover how friendship in spiritual direction can foster trust, authenticity, and transformation while keeping God at the centre.

Join us to examine friendship not only as a human connection but as a spiritual tool—a path to deeper understanding of “who we are to God and who God is to us.”

All bookings are subject to CACS Cancellation Policy.