Transition Retreats – 1 Day Retreat -Residential Overnight Stay



If you would like to register for the one day Transition Retreats and overnight stay as a residential participant at Boars Hill – you can do so by clicking add to basket, then view basket and following the onscreen instructions.


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  • Transition Retreats timetable
  • Transition Retreats @ Boar’s Hill  The theme running through them is that of transition and therefore they will address liminal movement in the retreatants in a safe, prayerful holding space. Some of the retreats will require retreatant preparation via prior contact with myself as the retreat leader. They will not be “silent” in the traditional sense and will include, talks, group facilitated sessions and possible 1:1 meetings with the retreat director.18, 19 & 20th OctoberThe first three retreats are planned to be offered as single days, single days with an overnight stay (if travelling far) or combinations of two or even all three days.18th October:  Navigating Life Transitions Are you in transition? Moving house, country or job? Children have just arrived or have all just left?  Facing retirement when the transition out of paid and meaningful work can be very painful at the level of vocation and identity? All transition and its associated change is painful and involves losses and gains. In this retreat we share our experiences in a safe space and discover resources for finding new life in what is to come.19th October: Seeking integration through the mid-life transitionThis retreat is for those between the ages of around 35 to 55 who are entering, in the midst of or emerging from mid-life. We’ll make sense of what happens in this key period of life, working with psychological and spiritual writers in a safe and prayerful space of sharing, reflection and learning.20th October: The ultimate transition: facing up to death

    It is a basic assumption of the Christian walk that life emerges from death, yet the culture around us, and we ourselves most of the time live in denial of this truth. This retreat is offered on the basis that talking about death, and facing our mortality will actually offer us more and greater perspective on life. It is for anyone at any age who is ready to engage with the ultimate transition in life. We’ll be addressing deeply spiritual and practical questions – even to shaping our own funerals.


    Nigel Rooms is an Anglican priest, practical theologian, spiritual director and supervisor drawing on the Carmelite tradition. He is an experienced facilitator of group events for adult learning and is the co-author of Crossing Thresholds: A Practical Theology of Liminality, (Lutterworth Press, 2021) and Soul Friendship: A Practical Theology of Spiritual Direction, (Canterbury Press, 2019).

    • 8.30–9.30
      on Wednesday and Thursday Optional 1:1 meeting with the retreat director, Nigel Rooms9:30
      Day participants arrive, and refreshments are available

      Session 1

      Break – free time & refreshments

      Session 2

      Lunch​​​​​ – residential

      Session 3

      Break – free time & refreshments, farewell to day participants

      Optional Group Guided Session to process the day for residential participants

      17.00 – 18.00
      Optional 1:1 meeting with the retreat director, Nigel Rooms

      Supper – residential

      Optional Group Guided Session to process the day for online or day participants (day participants to access this from home)

To pay by cheque, please make cheques payable to:
Carmelite Priory and send to Carmelite Priory, Chilswell House, Boars Hill, Oxford, UK OX1 5HB

Bank Transfer:
Account Name: Carmelite Priory
Sort Code: 20-65-18
Account number: 80251216
IBAN: GB94 BUKB 2065 1880 2512 16


Additional information

Transition Retreats

Life Transitions, Midlife Transitions, Ultimate Transitions