Child Safeguarding Policy Statement of the Constituent Members of the Catholic Church in Ireland
As a constituent member of the Catholic Church in Ireland, we recognise and uphold the dignity and rights of all children, are committed to ensuring their safety and well-being, and will work in partnership with parents/guardians to do this. We recognise each child as a gift from God, and we value and encourage the participation of children in all activities that enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual and social development.
All Church personnel (including clergy, religious, staff and volunteers) have a responsibility to safeguard children through promoting their welfare, health and development in a safe and caring environment that supports their best interests and prevents abuse.
On behalf of this Church body, as part of the Catholic Church in Ireland, I commit to safeguarding children by agreeing to follow this Child Safeguarding Policy.
On behalf of the Anglo-Irish Province of the Order of Discalced Carmelites:

Fr. James Noonan, OCD
Date: 1 July 2023. (For review January 2024)
For the procedures to implement the Child Safeguarding policy, the Order of Discalced Carmelites follows the guidance of the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland available at
To read the Tusla-compliant Safeguarding Statement, please click below:
The National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland Final Review Report 2023 can be found here:
The Forms required for Adult Complaint Guide (2019) can be found here:
Form for use of Church Property by External Groups can be found here:
Details of Personnel to contact if you are concerned about the welfare and safety of Children – Ireland
Designated Liaison Person (DLP) of the Discalced Carmelites in Ireland: Mr. John Sheridan; Mobile: 00447776321866. Email:
Designated Liaison Person (DLP) of the Discalced Carmelites in Ireland: Fr. Vincent O’Hara, OCD; Tel: 0876755850. Email:
Ireland: You can also contact your local Tusla, Child and Family Agency ( or any Garda station, or phone the Garda 24/07 number for reporting: 1800 555 222.
Northern Ireland: Local Social Services Gateway Team Western HSC Trust: 02871314090 or PSNI: 101 (Non-emergency telephone number- you will be put in contact with a specially trained police officer).