What is God’s plan for you? A Vocation is from God.

God calls each of us to live in love with him. We live that love in marriage or single life, in priestly or religious life.

A call to religious life can start with a sense of emptiness and a need for something more in life or an attraction to a life of deeper prayer and community.
You may know someone in religious life and feel attracted to that way of life.

God calls everyone to follow him. He has a task for us all, which only we can fulfil. Some he calls to Religious Life. It is such a privilege to be called by God. Maybe God is calling you to serve him in Carmel?

Is God Calling Me?


“Joy comes with being together and praying together.”
Fr Tijo Xavier OCD.

Fr Tijo Xavier talks a little about the joys of being a Carmelite Priest.

 A vocation, is a calling from God, and demands a free response and total dedication from those who receive it.  Every effort must be made to help one to become aware of their calling, and to follow it with enthusiasm.

God calls each of us to live in love with him. We live that love in marriage or single life, in priestly or religious life.

A call to religious life can start with a sense of emptiness and a need for something more in life or an attraction to a life of deeper prayer and community. You may know someone in religious life and feel attracted to that way of life.

You may feel a call but do not really want to go there!

Perhaps it is not what you had planned for your life.
You may feel unworthy of a call to religious life. Do not be afraid!  Anyone who has ever contemplated a vocation to religious life, knows how challenging and frightening it can be.  All of us have walked this path and felt the vulnerability of not knowing what these feelings might mean for us.  But do not be afraid, a vocation to religious life, like any other worthy vocation is built on time, prayer, wisdom and friendship.  Take your time, there is no rush, talk to someone you trust, listen to your heart especially at times of prayer.  You can contact us at any time for an informal chat about who we are and our charism or simply about where you feel the Lord might be calling you.

A prayer for guidance

The first step for guidance is prayer, trusting that God will lead you wherever is best for you. God wants your happiness and will lead you into a way of life that will make you happy.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
I praise you. Purify my soul,
Live in me, and love through me.
Show me how to serve you peacefully today
And lead me along the path in my life
That will give most glory to you. Amen.


<strong>Our Ministry</strong>

Life of Prayer

Our ministry is prayer.  It is the source of our life.  We cannot live without it.  Through it we deepen our friendship with God and find his loving presence in the world.

  •  It is the very vocation of a Carmelite to bear witness to a life of prayer.  A special part of our prayer is time spent with God in silence.
  • Sustained by the word of God and the sacred liturgy, we are led to live in intimate friendship with God.
  • In prayer, we are called to a ‘hidden union with God’, in a form of life and fraternal sharing in which contemplative prayer and action combine to become a single apostolic service of the Church.
  • By growing in the virtues of faith, hope and above all charity, we deepen our prayer life, and come to resemble more closely Christ himself.
<strong>Meet a Carmelite</strong>
<strong>The Carmelite Life</strong>


Vocations Director for the UK :
Fr Liam Finnerty, OCD Email: vocations@carmelite.org.uk


Vocations Director for Ireland :
Fr Yamai Bature, OCD Email: vocations@ocd.ie