What’s On?

We have so much happening this year, that we wanted to give you a glimpse of some of what we have planned. Please check back regularly for further news, updates and events.

Our Events

School of Prophets

The School for Prophets aims to hear and heed God’s voice from within the tumult of this time. Practicing the prayer, study, and silent receptivity exemplified by the prophets, school-participants will examine the world as God sees it, and discern ways to speak God’s truth, for both what is needed and possible.

Carmelite Reading Circle

Every year over a one year period we will become companions on a journey of profound faith deepening as together we will spend time with each other in friendship and prayer, reflecting on various books.

Spiritual Direction Formation Programme 2025

Starting 2024 The Spiritual Direction Formation Programme (Carmelite Tradition) builds on an interpretation of the experience of journeying towards intimacy with God as expressed in the life of the Carmelite saints and deriving principles from this for the growth and flourishing of the spiritual life.


Pilgrimage is about transformation. It’s about making us more like Jesus Christ. This is what both Saint Teresa and Saint John of the Cross set out to do in their writings such as Teresa’s Way of Perfection and John’s Living Flame of Love. Indeed, there’s no more powerful way to understanding their life transforming teaching than...

School of Prayer 2024

The School of Prayer is intended for those who realise the importance of prayer in their lives and are seeking a deeper relationship with God and support and encouragement in their search.

Regular and Special Online Mass Services

Please also take a look at our Regular Mass Times Page with news of our daily online Mass and special monthly Healing Mass (First Tuesday of every month) and Holy Spirit Mass (first Monday of every month). You’re very welcome to join us online for these Masses.

Other News